Real Bible Studies, The Gospel of Mark

Baptism, Temptation, and Disciples Most scholars agree that Mark was the first Gospel and both Matthew and Luke made liberal usage of Mark, going so far as to lift entire passages without changing a word. Mark tells a simple, straightforward story of an itinerant preacher and miracle worker who begins as a follower of John … Continue reading Real Bible Studies, The Gospel of Mark

Real Bible Studies: Matthew 12

Picking Grain on the Sabbath As the chapter opens, Yeshua is under scrutiny from the Pharisees for allowing his disciples to pluck grain on the Sabbath. Yeshua doesn’t apologize, but rather turns it back onto his opponents by reminding them of an incident involving David and stating Temple officials also violate the Sabbath. For the … Continue reading Real Bible Studies: Matthew 12

Real Bible Studies: Matthew, Part 1

The Infancy Narrative Though scholars largely agree that the first written Gospel was Mark, the Christian New Testament starts with Matthew. This is most likely due to Matthew’s inclusion of an infancy narrative and a genealogy. Otherwise, Matthew’s Gospel starts with Jesus beginning his ministry as an adult just as Mark’s does. This leaves a … Continue reading Real Bible Studies: Matthew, Part 1