Foot Soldiers in the War on Xmas

Every Christmas season, alongside numerous productions of A Christmas Carol, someone in the media will raise the specter of a "War on Christmas!" One pundit has made it his stock in trade to lament how every year more Christmas traditions are under fire, driving Christians underground in their observance of the season, lest the politically … Continue reading Foot Soldiers in the War on Xmas

The First Lupos in America 1610-1670

The story of the Lupo family in North America began with the earliest settlers in Virginia and was led by two sons of royal musician Peter Lupo. His marriage to Katherine Wicker is recorded in the parish of St. Botolph's without Aldgate 27 October 1575. It was preceded within a month by the christening of … Continue reading The First Lupos in America 1610-1670

Genealogy and Writing

Genealogy is a process akin to assembling a massive jigsaw puzzle that has pieces scattered across multiple locations and times, some of which cannot be found, and with no indication of the picture that's to be assembled. The more pertinent facts one has the better, because that can help establish who an ancestor was, and … Continue reading Genealogy and Writing

James Lupo, Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Died 1790

Adapted, with new information, from files at Almost everyone named Lupo, and many with the common variant Luper, who lived in the Southern United States at the time of the Civil War, descended from one of the three sons of James Lupo, whose will was recorded in Isle of Wight County, Virginia in September … Continue reading James Lupo, Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Died 1790