Real Bible Studies: Matthew 18, Mark 9

The Greatest In both Gospels, the Disciples ask Yeshua who’ll be greatest. As is usual, Matthew puts a slightly different spin on it than Mark. In Mark, the question is posed in such a way to imply the Disciples are asking which is the greatest among them, but Matthew frames it as the greatest in … Continue reading Real Bible Studies: Matthew 18, Mark 9

Real Bible Studies: Mark 2-5

Many episodes in Mark are repeated in Matthew, who almost always puts his own spin on them. Frequently, Matthew summarizes passages Mark embellishes and expands on topics Mark summarizes. Matthew also mixes and matches stories that are connected in Mark, possibly to obscure when the events are occurring.  In addition to not offering a nativity … Continue reading Real Bible Studies: Mark 2-5

Real Bible Studies, Matthew and Mark

Tradition of the Elders Chapters 15-16 of Matthew are an almost word for word insertion from Mark 7-8 though Matthew makes several changes to the source material. Both cite passages from various scriptures in condemning the Pharisees and Scribes for dishonoring their elders (Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16, Exodus 21:17, Leviticus 20:9). Given that Yeshua himself … Continue reading Real Bible Studies, Matthew and Mark

Real Bible Studies, The Gospel of Mark

Baptism, Temptation, and Disciples Most scholars agree that Mark was the first Gospel and both Matthew and Luke made liberal usage of Mark, going so far as to lift entire passages without changing a word. Mark tells a simple, straightforward story of an itinerant preacher and miracle worker who begins as a follower of John … Continue reading Real Bible Studies, The Gospel of Mark