Blue Heron, Atlanta, GA, 1 April 2014

Blue Heron, Atlanta, GA, 1 April 2014, #1

The pond near my office complex on Clairmont Road is home to numerous ducks, a couple of swans, and depending on the season, Canadian geese. Every now and then, a blue heron shows up. Last April, I was fortunate enough to catch some photos of one.

Blue Heron, Atlanta, GA, 1 April 2014, #2Whenever one shows up, it usually hangs out for a few days, then disappears. I’m more likely to see one in the Spring and early Summer.

Blue Heron, Atlanta, GA, 1 April 2014, #3I see them at Stone Mountain a lot, but I’m always glad to see one drop by the local pond.

When I was in Myrtle Beach in October, I managed to catch an Egret, a close relative of the blue heron, in action. Here’s some video of that.

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